TreeNet 10-year anniversary conference, 27-28 June 2022
The conference
On June 27/28, 2022, the TreeNet 10-year anniversary conference was taking place in the Basel region in Switzerland. The conference focused on the assessment of tree growth with different experimental methods and networks.
The 2-day program included a lecture series, a workshop and an excursion to the Swiss Canopy Crane II at Hölstein including a crane ride into the treetops of this beautiful mixed forest. The workshop also aimed at writing a white paper about the future of forest monitoring and research networks like TreeNet. “How could the ideal future network for forest growth assessments look like?”; “What are new approaches that need to be considered in existing and future networks?”, and “Which requirements from science and society should it be able to fulfill?” are examples for questions that will be discussed at the workshop.
The venue of the conference was the Bad Bubendorf Hotel near the city of Basel, which can conveniently reached by public transportation.
The excursion
The participants
The program
PDF of the program of the two days.
The talks
Session 1
Henning Meesenburg (NW-FVA Gottingen, DE). Monitoring of water fluxes and tree responses – the value of observations at the ecosystem level
Brigitte Rohner (WSL Birmensdorf CH). Studying growth in the Swiss NFI: Developments, achievements and challenges
Axel Gottlein (TU München, DE). When talking about trees you should not forget about the soil.
Sabine Braun (IAP, Witterswil, CH). Growth and nutrition of trees in Swiss permanent forest monitoring plots
Session 2
Session 3
Jan Krejza (Global Change Research Institute CAS, CZ). Disentangling carbon uptake and allocation in the stems of a spruce forest
Rafael Poyatos (CREAF/UAB, ES). Potential and challenges of site-level sap flow monitoring
Roman Zweifel (WSL, CH). The rhythm of trees – the fascination of watching trees grow