Drought and Growth Sites

All species

The upper map shows the annual growth performance  relative to the average, historic data (2011-2020) of a site. Data are categorized as ‘high’ growth (dark green), ‘above average’ growth (green), ‘below average’ growth (light green), and ‘poor’ growth (yellow). Sites with mainly dormant trees are shown in grey.

The middle map shows the actual daily growth performance  of a site. Data are categorized as ‘very high’ growth (dark green), ‘high’ growth (green), ‘low’ growth (light green), and ‘no growth’ (yellow). Sites with mainly dormant trees are shown in grey.

The lower map shows the actual normalized tree water deficit (drought stress)  of all trees at a site. Data are shown in the categories of small water deficit ‘no stress’ (dark blue), ‘low’ water deficit (light blue), ‘high’ water deficit (orange) and ‘very high’ water deficit (red). When the temperature drops below zero, this can trigger what is known as frost shrinkage of the stem, indicated with a star.

Species-specific maps can be found below.

Data source: TreeNet, automatic data analysis with filtered data set.

Beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Norway spruce (Picea abies)

Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

Fir (Abies alba)

Oak (Quercus robur and petraea)

Downey oak (Quercus pubescent)

Maple (Acer spp)

Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)

Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

TreeNet Switzerland collects continuous data on stem radius fluctuations measured with point dendrometers from trees all over Switzerland and estimates drought and growth indicators for Swiss forest ecosystems. We closely collaborate with the Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research Programme (LWF/WSL), the ETHZ, the Institute for Applied Plant Biology (IAP), and the University of Basel.