Annual TreeNet Meeting 2024

This year’s TreeNet annual meeting took place at the WSL in Birmensdorf on November 12, 2024. Program_TreeNet_2024 Find links to presentations here: Zweifel and Wilhelm Aeberhard Basler Buchmann Floriancic Walthert…

Stem radius changes do not show a moon signal

Publication in Scientific Reports by Tumajer et al, with TreeNet contribution Dendrometers challenge the ‘moon wood concept’ by elucidating the absence of lunar cycles in tree stem radius oscillation Wood…

Stillberg Davos – a new partner of TreeNet

Stillberg reforestation site becomes TreeNet’s newest partner Text and photo Esther Frei As part of the EU project FORWARDS (funded by SERI), which aims to prototype a future European observatory…

Tracking the growth of a decapitated tree

When is a tree considered dead? This question renders over 35 000 results with a popular search engine. From amateur gardeners to lawmakers, it is of practical concern to many,…

Towards monitoring stem growth phenology from space

New publication in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Towards monitoring stem growth phenology from space with high resolution satellite data by Jan Eitel et al   Abstract Radial stem growth…

New Publication in New Phytologist

Daytime stomatal regulation in mature temperate trees prioritizes stem rehydration at night By Richard Peters et al. Summary Trees remain sufficiently hydrated during drought by closing stomata and reducing…

TreeNet in RSI ‘Il giardino di Albert’

Reportage in Swiss Italian TV RSI with input from TreeNet Siccità sotto la lente 2022, l’anno più caldo e asciutto mai registrato dal 1864 in Ticino Drought in focus: 2022,…

TreeNet goes AI

Reconstructing radial stem size changes of trees with machine learning by Mirko Luković (EMPA), Roman Zweifel (WSL), Guillaume Thiry (ETHZ), Ce Zhang (ETHZ) and Mark Schubert (EMPA) Publication in the Journal of the…

TreeNet in Swiss Radio SRF News

TreeNet Nowcasts in use Reena Thelly from Swiss Radio SRF interviewed Katrin Meusburger (hydrologist) and Roman Zweifel (ecophysiologist), both WSL, on their assessment of how Swiss forests coped with the…


deepT – deep neural network algorithms to recognize species and their specific response patterns in stem growth data of TreeNet deepT investigated times series of stem radius changes with deep…

Publication in Nature Communications

European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests. Drought and growth indicators in the year 2018 in comparison to the two years before The…

TreeNet Annual Meeting 2021

TreeNet Annual Meeting 2021 The TreeNet community met on 18 November 2021 in Ittigen/Bern for its annual meeting. This time, the host was the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN. The…

TreeNet is nowcasting

Near real-time predictions of tree growth and water deficit TreeNet now produces daily nowcasts of tree growth and water deficit in Switzerland. This is most likely the first comprehensive publication…

TreeNet in the media July 2021

The rainy period raised the question of what happens to forest trees during this wet summer. TreeNet gave some answers in interviews with Swiss Radio SRF and Tierwelt magazine. o…

TreeNet in the media – June 2021

The New Phytologist article ‘Why trees grow at night’, based on TreeNet data (2011-2018), has received a lot of attention in the Swiss and German media. Here is a list…

Publication in FORESTS – treenetproc

Radial stem size changes, measured with automated dendrometers at intra-daily resolution, offer great potential to link environmental conditions with tree physiology at the seasonal scale. Such measurements need to be time-aligned, cleaned…

TreeNet Annual Meeting 2020

The TreeNet Annual Meeting 2020 is history. Thanks to everybody who contributed to make this a successful (virtual) event! ProgramTNAM2020

TreeNet – wann wachsen unsere Bäume?

TreeNet – wann wachsen unsere Bäume? R. Zweifel, S. Etzold, L. Walthert, R. Köchli, W. Eugster Der radiale Stammzuwachs von Holz und Rinde von Bäumen kann bis heute nur teilweise auf…

TreeNet in the News

Wald & Holz TreeNet – Wann wachsen unsere Bäume? Der radiale Stammzuwachs von Holz und Rinde von Bäumen kann bis heute nur teilweise auf Umweltbedingungen zurückgeführt werden. Das Forschungsnetzwerk TreeNet…

TreeNet – am Puls der Bäume in Wald & Holz

TreeNet – am Puls der Bäume R. Zweifel, S. Etzold, S. Braun, R. Köchli, G. Hoch, W. Eugster, L. Walthert* Im Forschungs-Netzwerk TreeNet werden seit rund zehn Jahren Wachstum und Wasserhaushalt von Bäumen mit Punktdendrometern erforscht. Alle…

TV-Report in RTS 1

La mise au point: La canicule tue nos forest? TreeNet contributes scientific information about the damages induced by the drought summer 2018

Quickviews of current raw data available

TreeNet raw data of the past five days are freely browsable. Try the following links to see the latest data of individual dendrometers of the entire network all available sensors…

We are moving …

News is moving its data base and the related processing platform to a new server. Please apologize for inconvenience. All services including online data display and dendrometer processing tool will…

Are trees able to grow in periods of stem shrinkage?

Publication in New Phytologist about separating stem radius measurements into growth and tree water deficit Link to article Summary Separating continuously measured stem radius (SR) fluctuations into growth-induced irreversible stem expansion (GRO)…

Dendrometer processing tool online now

News offers a public tool to process your own raw dendrometer data now. Your dendrometer data will be aligned, cleaned for jumps and outliers, gap-filled for short periods <3 hours,…

TreeNet in Swiss Newspaper

Wie man die Bäume wachsen hört – Das faszinierende Universum Wald bietet viele Geheimnisse: Seiner komplexen Natur sind Wissenschaftler nun auch mit Hörgeräten auf der Spur. Artikel in der Sonntagszeitung,…

When do trees grow (3)?

Radial stem growth of trees (GRO) occurs mainly during the night. Daylight hours show systematically lower growth. The columns in the figure below indicate how much of the annual growth…

When do trees grow (2)?

Tree species have their specific climatic niches in which they grow. Norway spruce at the subalpine site Seehornwald Davos grows best at temperatures around 12°C whereas Scotts pine shows optimal…

When do trees grow (1)?

Radial stem growth of trees is limited to a relatively short time period of the year in spring and summer. The timing of the growth period depends on site and…

Radial stem variations in PCE

Radial stem variations – a source of tree physiological information not fully exploited yet by Roman Zweifel (Plant, Cell and Environment, 2015, doi: 10.1111/pce.12613) Link to the Journal pdf of…

Hitzewelle in der Schweiz

Trotz grosser Hitze zeigen die Schweizer Wälder noch keinen generellen Trockenstress. Die Bandbreite des biologischen Trockenstressindikators TWD (‘tree water deficit’) ist allerdings sehr gross und variiert stark mit Standort und…

TreeNet in Swiss Newspapers

  Tierwelt, 4. Juni 2015: Forscher schauen 300 Bäumen beim Wachsen zu (Martina Huber) Südostschweiz, 22. Juni 2015: Dem Wachstum auf der Spur (Martina Huber)

New method page

Learn more about the methods TreeNet is developing and using.  RZ.